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When is the Best Times to Post on Social Media?

تیم تحریریه گیلاس

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وبسایت و اپلیکیشن فروشگاه اینترنتی

آخرین سطح تکنولوژی برای راه اندازی فروشگاه آنلاین بیشتر
فروشگاه اینترنتی

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وبسایت فروش محتوای آموزشی

این اپلیکیشن ها با قابلیت فروش آنلاین فایل های آموزشی... بیشتر
فروش محتوای آموزشی
Each social network has its own specific users, who generally refer to it at certain times of day. For example, LinkedIn is used more for commercial activities and business introduction, and more people use it during work time, while Instagram is more fun and people often use it in their free time. So, it's very important to post when more users are on the network. This will make you get better feedback and more traffic to your site. In an article titled "The Best Times to Post on Social Media in 2018 Based on Research", which published on the coschedule web site, this issue has been thoroughly investigated. you can see a summary of the results of this study as follow.

Best time to post on Instagram

Post time on Instagram varies based on your business type. Accordingly, the best posting time on this social network is as follows:
B2C: 8 am, 1 pm, and 9 pm.
B2B: 12 pm-1 pm, 5 pm-6 pm, 8 pm-9pm.
Software Services: 11 am, 1 pm, 5 pm.
Healthcare: 10 am and 2 pm. Media: 9 am, 12 pm, and 3 pm. Higher Education: 5 pm - 6 pm

Best time to post on Facebook

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world. But marketing in this network is very competitive. The best posting time on Facebook is as follows:
B2C: 9am to 10am, 12pm - 1pm, 4pm to 5pm
B2B: 9am to 4pm, with 3pm to 4pm being best
Software Services: 9am to 5pm, then it drops off. 9am, 3pm, and 5pm are best.
Healthcare: 6am-7am, 9am, 11am-Noon
Media: 7am, 11am, 6pm
Higher Education: 8am, Noon, 3pm

Best time to post on Twitter

Twitter, like Facebook, is a popular social networking site. But you can effectively use this media, as long as you generate a stream of related content. Users usually use Twitter all day, because it is updated very quickly. People generally use Twitter early in the morning and also when exploring web during the day. The best posting time on Twitter is as follows:
B2C: 8am-10am, Noon, 7pm-9pm
B2B: 7am-8am, 11am, 6pm, 9pm
Software Services: 10am, 2pm, 6pm
Healthcare: 9am, 6pm
Media: 6am-7am, 11am, 7pm-8pm, 10pm
Higher Education: 8am, 5pm. 7pm, 9pm

Best time to post on Linkedin

Lindedin is a professional social network. So, naturally the best time to reach people in this media is when they rest during their work time. Accordingly, the best posting time in Linkedin is as follows:
B2C: Noon
B2B: 8am, 10am-Noon, 6pm
Software Services: 9am, 11am-Noon, 5pm-6pm
Healthcare: 10am, Noon-2pm
Media: 8am
Higher Education: 10am

The best days to post on social networks are as follows:

Instagram: Friday
Facebook: Thursdays to Saturdays
Twitter: Monday to Friday for B2B businesses - Saturday and Sunday for B2C businesses
LinkedIn: Wednesday
Get more details on coschedule
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